Lindfield Public School

Second Hand Uniform Shop

School bag used 1term

Like new school bag used 1 term


Brand new shirts 10 and 12 yr old

I have 4 for 12 year old and 3 for 10 year old. You can ...


3 long pants

3 pairs of long pants 10 and 12 yr. good condition used 1 te...


Boys shorts x3

3 shirts size 10 and 12 used 1 term


3 boys jumpers

3 jumpers/sweaters used 1 term. $20 each


Sports tops yellow and white

Size 10 and 12z $5 each


Brand new ties

Brand new ties $10 each


Girls Summer Uniforms 6-10

Great condition

from $15 each

Brand New Size GIrls Winter Tuni

Still in package!


Winter Jacket

Good coniditon


Brand New Trackpants - NWT

Tag stil attached - size 10


Zip up jackets 8-10

various sizes

from $10

sports tops - various sizes

sizes 6-10


Girls winter tunic- uniforms 8-10

sizes 8-10 with belts $15 each
