Westminster School

Second Hand Uniform Shop


Cream winter scarf


Girls winter skirt

The skirt is a size 10A



Fresh dry cleaned


Girls summer dress

Size 10A


Track jacket

Size 14Y


Winter jumper

Free because it’s been worn a lot


Formal long and short sleeved shirts

Freshly washed and in good condition. 4 size 18 and 1 size...



Formal blazer boys


School bag

School bag


Formal trousers

2 x trousers size M 6.5 R Have been hemmed.


Formal shorts

4 x Formal shorts 3 x size M7R and 1 x size 6


Bucket hat

2 x Bucket hats


Heaslip sports polo shirt

Heaslip sports polo shirt. Excellent condition. Worn once or...


Sports jersey

Size small sports jersey


2 x polo sports shirts

2 x sports polo shirts. 1 x L and 1 x M ( a few marks).
